when a jackson procreates…
HEY m8z
thought this might be a good time to update le blog. ive done a little read back to 4 months ago when we had more money and less knowledge about London – what duds. Srsly what idiot duds we were. but anyway, thats just “experience” now.
For anyone in Australia (majority) you’ll know mils back in the home land for a month for stephs baby. This is baby Gracie aka: Iggy. This is the cutest squishy von squish to ever have entered this world (obviously on par with Thomas. but this is a srsly cute baby.)
here are some picos of the little nugget.
also, skyping with thomas is probably one of my FAVOURITE things to do. this kids facial expressions are phenom. hes obviously a jackson, which means he plays it up heaps and gets heaps of attention. (nat can you SRSLY hurry up and babymake. as you can see im living this aunty life through the jacksons and it would just be easier and less creepy if the kid was in our family not my best friends.
Things i hope mil did while back home: i really hope mils put on a very slight accent, or at least saying things like, “you right?” or “bollocks”. A few “to be fairs” and “innit” creep into my daily language – but thats because I’m trying to really hard to be semi-british. i had the lurgy this week, which means i had a miscellaneous throat situation going on. i also think in lamens terms it means i was sick. it was a chesty cough. one that kept everyone i lived with awake. i do have the sexy husky thing going on now though, will scream in my pillow at nights to keep it up, everyone knows i love a “devs had a big night” voice. i know my walls are concrete so its fine that i’m screaming into my pillow at night.
Hm updates – not really much to report, we went to hot chip recently which was super fun. here are those pics
bonfire night – for all you unknowledged fools, is a day for rememberence – on which bonfires and fireworks are lit in memory of the Gunpowder Plot, traditionally including the burning of an effigy of Guy Fawkes. (this was not taken from wikipedia.) so it basically gives London a right to light fireworks anywhere they want. so there was just a lot of fireworks and noise for a few days – everyone went to see them. i did not i was sick (read above: i had the lurgy)
i thought this would be a better update – but sometimes, life just happens. and then you’re just, living in london. and thats what I’m doing at the moment. without my best gal pal. i’ve been calling a few people from work my “new best friend”, to be honest, its not going great. People keep laughing it off, and when they leave their desks i say “miss you already” they really rush off pretty quick and ask to be “relocated” to “wales”. oh new best friends you’re so funny.
OK thats pretty much it. theres a french (correction: shes swiss. but speaks french. she got sassy that i got that wrong) gal in mils room. she’s pretty much like mil, but she’s frencher, a better dancer, doesn’t yell at me for teas all the time, her name is Julie. but its a silent j obviously, so “yooli”. shes as sassy, if not sassier than our sasquatch mil.